Chōji Akimichi Cosplay Costume

Choji Akimichi Cosplay Costume

Choji is easily motivated by the prospect of food, and becomes highly agitated when somebody calls him "fat" (he refers to himself as "big boned", "chubby", or "pleasingly plump"). However, he does not hide his love for food, wearing the kanji for "eat" on his shirt. His nigh-constant hunger is also a constant annoyance to his teammates, as sating himself often comes before other necessities such as stealth and teamwork. Food can also make him over-react about silly things, such as who gets the last piece of meat, or when Akamaru tried to take his food.Choji also tends to eat a lot when he is angry.Choji has a long-standing friendship with Shikamaru. The two have complete trust in each other, with Shikamaru being one of the few people to look past Choji's athletic deficiencies, and see that he was good-hearted, and recognizing Choji's true strength. Because of this, Choji has unconditional faith in Shikamaru and, if necessary, would give his life for him.Choji is a very kind, polite, and caring person, that both his father and Asuma have said is his greatest strength.
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Choji Akimichi Cosplay Costume

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Choji Akimichi Cosplay Costume

Choji Akimichi Cosplay Costumeclass=cosplayers

Choji Akimichi Cosplay Costume

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Choji Akimichi Cosplay Costume

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Choji Akimichi Cosplay Costume

Choji has brown hair, swirl marks on his cheeks, and like the rest of his clan, he has a much rounder physique than most other people. Since his childhood, he has always been quite husky, a necessity in his clan to perform their techniques. During Part I, Choji's wore grey shorts, a rather large white scarf, a short-sleeved green jacket over a white shirt with his clan's emblem on it, ring earrings, and his legs and forearms were wrapped in bandages. His Leaf forehead protector was also worn on a bandanna around his head.During Part II, he sports a red top with armor on his torso, arms, and upper legs, similar to his father. On the front of his chest armor is the obligatory kanji for "eat". His brown hair has grown much longer and he also changes his earrings from hoops to the studs that he got as a gift from his previous jonin commander
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Choji Akimichi Cosplay Costume

Choji Akimichi Cosplay Costumeclass=cosplayers

Choji Akimichi Cosplay Costume

Choji Akimichi Cosplay Costumeclass=cosplayers

Choji Akimichi Cosplay Costume

Choji Akimichi Cosplay Costumeclass=cosplayers

Choji Akimichi Cosplay Costume

Choji Akimichi Cosplay Costumeclass=cosplayers

Choji Akimichi Cosplay Costume

Choji Akimichi Cosplay Costumeclass=cosplayers

Choji Akimichi Cosplay Costume

Choji Akimichi Cosplay Costumeclass=cosplayers

Choji Akimichi Cosplay Costume

Choji's most pronounced ability is his tremendous physical strength. Shikamaru hinted at Choji's raw power during the Sasuke Retrieval arc, but it wasn't until he broke them out of Jirobo's Earth Release Barrier: Earth Prison Dome of Magnificent Nothingness that the rest of Team Shikamaru believed him. He is also shown to be proficient in hand-to-hand combat, as seen when he flipped Jirobo, a skilled practitioner of the art, over without seeming to use much effort. He is not, however, particularly fast in his movements.
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Choji Akimichi Cosplay Costume

Choji Akimichi Cosplay Costumeclass=cosplayers

Choji Akimichi Cosplay Costume

Choji Akimichi Cosplay Costumeclass=cosplayers

Choji Akimichi Cosplay Costume

Choji Akimichi Cosplay Costumeclass=cosplayers

Choji Akimichi Cosplay Costume

Choji Akimichi Cosplay Costumeclass=cosplayers

Choji Akimichi Cosplay Costume

Choji Akimichi Cosplay Costumeclass=cosplayers

Choji Akimichi Cosplay Costume

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Choji Akimichi Cosplay Costume

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